Monday, March 5, 2012

Good News

So I found out last night that in our ward in china there is a family with a 15 (16 in July) year old girl named Mikayla (but she goes by Bella)!  I am soo glad to know that I will not be completely alone there.  It is a huge blessing to know there will be one other person my age.  She is home schooled though, so she won't go to my school, but still  it is really relieving to know I'll have some one there who will get me, and know my values and standards, and who is in a somewhat similar situation.  Maybe China won't be so bad?  I've just got to look at it as an adventure. . . I will have experiences and memories that most people never have the opportunity to have.  I guess, in a way, I am super lucky.

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