Thursday, March 15, 2012

Well this puts a kink in things...

So I found out we will now be moving end of may. . .  We were planning to leave in june or july.  Ya that was a bit of a shocker! It does make it a little harder to move because now instead of almost no summer, I will really have no summer with my friends.  I am going to miss everyone sooo much when I move.  I have such good friends here, people whom I have known for such a long time, and now I just have to leave them all.  They are all such amazing people with such good standards.  I have such a strong support system here, and now I have to leave it sooner than I was expecting.  But I will manage.  I have to.  It will just take a lot of tears and time on my knees.  I can do this. . . Stay positive!

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing Mikayla. You will make new friends and learn so much. And when you get back, your old friends will still be there so you'll have twice as many friends.
